Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bournemouth University in England

Bournemouth University has 17,000 students and 2 campuses in the UK. They offer over 40 courses of study including public relations.

Bournemouth University offers a masters program for public relations. In order to receive the degree students must take 3 terms which takes one year at full time.

Term 1 – Core

Focuses mostly on theories and principles of public relations. Some written and oral communication is emphasized as well.

Public Relations: Principles and Foundations

Corporate Public Relations

Public Relations Communication Skills

Term 2 – Core

These courses focus on how to be an effective public relations practitioner. Each course gives students experience to utilize the theories and principles they learned in the past term. There is an emphasis on new media, research, and campaigning.

Public Relations Programmes

Interactive Media Strategies

Research Principles and Practice

Term 3 – MA Stage
Students who successfully complete the first two terms of the course will be entitled to the award of Post Graduate Diploma in Public Relations. Those who proceed to Term 3 will undertake the Integrated Campaign Planning unit AND either the Academic or Consultancy Project.
Core Unit
Integrated Campaign Planning
This class is assessed through a live brief, usually from a UK advertising agency, that will allow students’ knowledge to be used to address a current and “real” marketing communications situation. In collaboration with students from the MA in Advertising and Marketing Communication degree, students will work as part of a team of advertising, marketing communications and public relations specialists.

Independent Project
To complete the MA stage of the degree, students must choose and undertake ONE of the following independent projects:

Academic Project
The academic project consists of a 10,000 word research paper or book chapter of publishable standard designed for a publication in an academic journal or book of the student’s choice. Students will write on a subject of interest to them from the public relations field.

Consultancy Project
This project is a 10,000 word report/proposal wherein the student acts as a consultant for a selected organisation, company or individual. Within the report, students will identify and define a communication problem or situation and develop appropriate public relations solutions. Students will be expected to engage in research in order to justify their recommendations.
Information found at:

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